Watch out Justin Bieber and One Direction. A boy band from Montclair is whipping out some serious competition–and they’re available for hire. Check out The Sergeants of Rock in the video below. They awed the crowd recently at a posh 40th birthday party with this cover of The Middle by Jimmy Eats World. Then they jammed to a Greenday song and also one they wrote themselves.

Hailing from Hillside Elementary School, Jake Weinberg, 11, does vocals; Jake Diamond, 11, plays bass; and his brother Liam Diamond, 9, mans the drums.

The Diamonds’ parents worked at MTV, so the kids have been listening to “anything but Barney since day one,” according to their mother, the popular yoga instructor Danielle Diamond. Music is in their blood: Their grandfather was the founder of Kramer guitars and a drummer in the Duprees. Attending  School of Rock Montclair also helps–they study with their mentor Mark Dollar.

And seriously, The Sergeants of Rock do parties–contact them here. I asked their mom if they’d be horrified to play Justin Bieber for my daughters’ 7th birthday. She said, “Who knows? If you give them 20 bucks, they might learn all his songs.” I was kidding, sort of. Personally, I’d pay to hear them play more Greenday.

YouTube video