Just when you thought you were doing well with your resolution of losing weight, Girl Scout cookie season rolls in. But listen, everything in moderation. A few Thin Mints won’t ruin your diet and the money raised from cookie sales is for a great cause— programs for girl,  financial assistance for girls, adult volunteer training, and other programmatic elements.

This year, for the first time in decades, Girl Scout Cookie boxes are getting a major make-over. The new boxes show more than Girl Scouts and Girl Scout cookies. The boxes illustrate the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and the essential skills the Girl Scout cookie program teaches girls in order to succeed in their sale—and life.

“Now the individuals buying Girl Scout cookies will see boxes that are reflective of what the cookie program offers girls,” says Susan M. Brooks, CEO, Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey, “Participation in the country’s largest financial literacy and entrepreneurial  program teaches girls five essential skills: goal-setting, decision-making, money management, working with people, and business ethics.”

You’re sure to see local girls selling their cookies throughout town, but if you’re really craving some Samoas, call **GSCOOKIES (**472665437) from your smartphone or go online to locate a sale near you.

Which Girl Scout cookie is your favorite? Take our poll:

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