Jennifer Siembab Bernal

The latest installment of our Baristanet Profile series, where we get to know the people in our neighborhood:

Name: Jennifer Siembab Bernal

Where do you live? A quiet cul-de-sac in the Oak View section of Bloomfield.

When did you move there? I’ve lived in Bloomfield my entire life. My grandparents and my mom moved here from Kearny and built their house in 1974, and have been here since.

Where did you grow up? I actually grew up across the street from my grandparent’s house, and now live in my grandparent’s house! We’re a tight-knit family and I was lucky enough to always be surrounded by loved ones.

How do you make a living? I began working at Park Street Academy, a private preschool in Montclair, when I was a sophomore in high school. I started as a teacher assistant, and became a full time teacher after college. Currently, I’m a stay-at-home mom to my 1½ year old daughter, Karina.

Coffee, tea or … ? BOTH! There is no better way to start the day than with a nice hot cup of coffee (especially with a very active toddler running around!) Love a nice cup of tea with sugar & lemon after a long day, too.

What’s your idea of a perfect Saturday? My idea of a perfect Saturday is simply one spent laughing with my family! Regardless of what we’re doing, being together is perfection!

What’s your favorite local restaurant? My favorite local restaurant is Noches de Colombia in Clifton. My husband is Colombian, and my family has fallen in love with the culture and cuisine. Huge portions, traditional and modern dishes, and the best sangria I’ve ever had! (can’t wait to try the new one in Montclair!)

What’s on your nightstand? Contacts and glasses, iPhone, baby monitor, and a candle.

Your iPod? A little bit of everything! You name it, I probably have it, and if you’re one of the (un)lucky ones, I will happily sing it to you.

What are your current addictions? Documenting, soaking in, and treasuring every moment and milestone as a mommy. In a year and a half I have taken thousands (yes, thousands!) of pictures! Time truly does fly.

Talent you would most like to have? The ability to sing without making others wince.

What’s the worst-kept secret about Bloomfield? There are no secrets.

What do you hope they say about you at your funeral? That I wouldn’t want anyone to sit around crying, but to celebrate my life, because it was damn good! And hopefully that I was funny, loving, lived life passionately, and was an awesome mom.