Lauren KaplanThe latest installment of our Baristanet Profile series, where we get to know the people in our neighborhood:

Name: Lauren Hyman Kaplan

Where do you live? We recently finished renovating a house in Upper Montclair by Yantacaw Brook Park. We love our neighborhood.

When did you move there? We moved from Tribeca to Montclair in August, 2011.

Where did you grow up? I grew up in Livingston but went to school in Montclair at MKA.

How do you make a living? I’m a counselor, educational consultant and Emotional Intelligence coach. I work with schools to help enhance their school climate by training teachers, implementing social-emotional learning and bullying prevention programs and conducting parenting workshops. I also teach at Bank Street College of Education in the city.

Coffee, tea or … ? Stumptown coffee is my favorite or a latte from Java Love. Always secretly wishing a “Joe coffee” shop would open up in town. I love their coffee!

What’s your idea of a perfect Saturday? Sleeping late (in our house anytime past 530am is considered late!) , cuddling with my 4 year old son and 7 year old daughter before getting ready to go to the Walnut Street Farmers Market, stopping for coffee and a bagel on the way. Spending the rest of the day outside enjoying the beautiful weather with my family and having a BBQ with friends for dinner. Then, after putting the kids to bed, watching one of a zillion shows I DVR’d that I never get to watch during the week because I’m too tired at night.

What’s your favorite local restaurant? Giotto is one of my favorites, I also really like Tiny Elephant or Red Eye Cafe for breakfast.

What’s on your nightstand? My iPad, clock, iphone, a book and a random toy or rainbow loom bracelet my kids always tend to leave in my room. Sometimes a piece of chocolate, just in case of an emergency.

Your iPod? A wide range… Including everything from U2 to The Indigo Girls and my favorite Sirius/XM channel, The Coffee House and of course the Frozen Soundtrack for the kids!

What are your current addictions? Vanilla skim lattes, listening to NPR in the car, eating Haagen Dazs Vanilla Chocolate Chip ice cream, using Young Living Essential Oils to help me relax and de-stress and my weekly yoga class.

Talent you would most like to have. I wish I played a musical instrument. Probably the piano. I also wish I had a magical power to get my son to sleep past 530AM!

What’s the worst-kept secret about Montclair? The Montclair Film Festival is amazing.

What do you hope they say about you at your funeral? I don’t  like to think about death. But if I’m forced to think of an answer to this question… I hope I made a difference in the lives of teachers and their students. And most importantly that I was a great mom.