Liz SamuelThe latest installment of our Baristanet Profile series, where we get to know the people in our neighborhood:

Name: Liz Samuel

Where do you live? Montclair

When did you move there? Moved from Park Slope Brooklyn in 2007 (been here 7 years)

Where did you grow up? New Milford, NJ

How do you make a living?  Right now I am making a living as an actress. Mainly commercials but some film, TV and theater. (Was a TV producer for 7 years though before making switch to other side of camera)

Coffee, tea or … ? Definitely coffee for me! I love the stuff! 1.5 cups in am and 1 cup around 4 pm

What’s your idea of a perfect Saturday? A perfect Saturday for me is running 3 miles to the farmers market, eating and shopping while there, running into friendly faces. Later going for a family hike locally, then relaxing at home while reading NY Times and then having a night out at one of Montclair’s great restaurants with my hubby and friends for the evening.

What’s your favorite local restaurant? Right now, loving Scala Del Nonna. But always love Costenera and Giotto.

What’s on your nightstand?  Whatever I am reading at the moment, which right now is The Girl You Left Behind. Also, hand cream, water and lip balm.

Your iPod?  a lot of 90’s music. I will never tire of Lenny Kravitz, Jamiroquai, Tribe Called Quest, Beck and the Beastie Boys!

What are your current addictions?  coffee, checking email, Facebook, Instagram and finishing whatever paperback I am reading

Talent you would most like to have.  Playing the piano because I regret not learning and Tap dancing because I could never pick it up!

What’s the worst-kept secret about Montclair? Most British town in the Northeast

What do you hope they say about you at your funeral?  Oy vey, I don’t like to think about it but if I had to say “she had a love for life and people and lived to learn”