Barbie CasasusThe latest installment of our Baristanet Profile series, where we get to know the people in our neighborhood:

Name: Barbie Casasus

Where do you live? Montclair

When did you move there? January 2013

Where did you grow up? West New York, NJ

How do you make a living? I work for a consumer research company where I track and analyze consumer trends and behaviors. And I teach kid’s yoga on the side. 

Coffee, tea or … ? Lattes. Café con leche if possible. Tea later in the day. 

What’s your idea of a perfect Saturday? Sleeping in, cuddling with my little guy. Late brunch at home or lunch at Ray’s. Farmer’s market. Slow, long walks. Yard sale hopping. Afternoon at The Montclair Book Center. Dinner in the city or movie night at home. 

What’s your favorite local restaurant? Samba is wonderful! Yalo and Me or Ray’s for lunch. I went to Ani Ramen for the first time this week and loved it. 

What’s on your nightstand? Flowers, a spirit eye jewelry dish topped with my favorite bracelets, a mala my son’s godmother picked up while traveling in India, TV remote control and iPhone. 

Your iPod? Haven’t had an iPod in ages and my iPhone is out of memory. Some of my Pandora stations include Feist, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Bebel Gilberto, Mana, Elizabeth Mitchell, Mary J. Blige, Jack Johnson, The Pet Shop Boys, Sade, Jay Z, Regina Spektor, Si Se, Los Amigos Invisibles, Lorde and Kidz Bop  

What are your current addictions? Trader Joe’s Maple Leaf Syrup Cookies, coconut milk, Bacchus Pinor Noir, The Leftovers on HBO

Talent you would most like to have.  I would love to be able to do back flips. 

What’s the worst-kept secret about Montclair? The schools. 

What do you hope they say about you at your funeral?  I lost my godmother earlier this summer and found solace in this quote from Maya Angelou: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Ultimately, that’s what matters.