operationbackpack2School is just over a month away, and with it notes from new teachers listing out a panoply of supplies needed on the first day. But for some families, especially those who are homeless, the cost of pencils and zip binders and Magic Markers can be a real hardship.

That’s where Operation Backpack comes in. A nationwide initiative by Volunteers of America, Operation Backback provides school supplies and backpacks to kids in need, helping those who are homeless go back to school without feeling left out.

Here in Baristaville, Kimya Nilsen is spearheading the effort to collect filled backpacks from anyone who wants to participate. Nilsen, who said she learned about the organization through an article in Real Simple, will pick up the bags from each donor –  or buy and fill the bags if someone prefers to donate money instead – and bring it to the drop off location, run by VOA Greater New York.

“I’m a mom of a 5 year old daughter, Maia,” said Nilsen. “Helping children fight poverty and get education are goals that have always been close to my heart. We adopted our daughter as a baby through social services. That was a way to make a difference for one child, but this is a way to make a difference for a lot of homeless children.”

Nilsen got a late start – while the New York chapter has been doing the drive since July 13, she began just last week. But she’s making great progress. Her goal is to get 10 backpacks by the cutoff date, August 7. Already she received eight commitments on her first day.

If you are interested in donating, you can choose the grade level you desire, each of which has a specific list of supplies needed. You can find the list for pre-K and kindergarten, which costs approximately $40, here. Check out those for Grades 1-4 ($45), 5-8 ($65) and 9-12 ($80).

“This is also a great opportunity to get your kids involved in giving back,” said Nilsen. “Who doesn’t love shopping for school supplies?”

To contact Nilsen, email her at kfabulous@gmail.com.