The Trip: Andy Warhol's Plastic Fantastic Cross-Country AdventureJoin well-known Montclair author Deborah Davis and former chief curator of the Warhol Foundation Claudia Defendi as they discuss a new book by Deborah Davis, The Trip: Andy Warhol’s Plastic Fantastic Cross-Country Adventure at Montclair Art Museum on Thursday, October 29.

The book tells the story of a little-known road trip Andy Warhol took from New York to LA in 1963, and how that journey—and the numerous artists and celebrities he encountered—profoundly influenced his life and art. Reception and book signing to follow event.

This event is sponsored by MAM Contemporaries, a dynamic special interest group celebrating contemporary art at MAM and offered in partnership with Watchung Booksellers.

The Trip by Deborah Davis – Book Discussion and Signing
MAM, 3 South Mountain Avenue, Montclair, NJ, 07042
$15 / $12 memebrs. Tickets can be purchased online here Book available for purchase the evening of the program.