Christmas Tree Collection

I love to deck the halls, but boy do I hate undecking them. My tree and decorations stay up until the day after the new year, but they start to lose their luster the day after Christmas. They taunt me with the task at hand.

My artificial tree gets packed up in its box and stored in the garage, but if you have a real tree, you’ll need to leave it curbside for pickup.

Here’s the 411 on when and how to get rid of your tree:

Montclair: Christmas trees placed at the curb will be picked up during the month of January. Wreaths will be collected separately with refuse. Prior to placing a tree at the curb, all decorations, lights, metal tinsel, ornament wires and nails and plastic disposal bags must be removed from the tree. The Township requests that the trees not be placed at the curb if snow is falling. If a tree becomes buried in snow it is the responsibility of the resident to dig out the tree. Trees buried in snow will not be collected.

Bloomfield: Christmas trees will be picked up on your recycling day.

Glen Ridge: Residents are asked to place trees between the sidewalk and curb after removing any tree bags, lights, decorations and stands. Trees will be collected throughout January.

(Photo: Flickr)