Masiel Rodriquez-VarsThe latest installment of our Baristanet Profile series, where we get to know the people in our neighborhood:

Name: Masiel Rodriquez-Vars

Where do you live? Montclair

When did you move there? My husband and I moved to Montclair in 2001 from Brooklyn. It’s a very uncommon path. We’re trendsetters.

Where did you grow up? I was born in a tiny Texas town called Uvalde, then moved to San Antonio when I was about 10. I am a Texan at my core – even though most wonder why I lack an accent.

How do you make a living? I now have the best job in the world as Executive Director of the Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence (MFEE). I have the opportunity to work with teachers, administrators, community members, parents, and students to shine light on and raise support for the Montclair Public Schools – super cool. I live and breathe the work, because I adore this community and our schools. I took a circuitous path to get here – but I’d like to think it set me up perfectly for this job. I have been a public school teacher, lawyer, filmmaker, youth philanthropy director, foster care program developer, executive coach, nonprofit consultant, and a mom to four kids. I use all the skills I’ve picked up along the way in this new role.

Coffee, tea or … ? So, apparently I am a little high-strung and hyper sensitive to caffeine. I drink one cup of decaf coffee and that revs me up for days. I am experimenting with “calm” teas.

What’s your idea of a perfect Saturday? Taking a long bike ride with my family of six – usually with several stops for food along the way. We have done this several times, and it never ends well. There are always tears, several rants about our decision to buy a house on top of a hill, and the occasional tantrum in the middle of the street – but once my husband picks himself up off the street, we usually make it home okay. It warms my heart to be outdoors with my family.

What’s your favorite local restaurant? Ooh, that’s a tough one. I am not the best cook – if I didn’t have kids, I’d eat cereal every night. Actually, there are many nights that we eat cereal. But, we also frequent local restaurants. Right now, I’ve gotta say I’m loving Mancinni’s Coal Oven Pizza. My son recently started delivering for them, and it is truly a cut above. Kale salad is out of this world. Mesob is our go-to date-night restaurant. Love the food and the staff.

What’s on your nightstand? Awesome Mother’s Day cards from my kids, four books that I do not have time to read (although I just finished The Miniaturist after 8 months), ear plugs (I’m a light sleeper), and lots and lots of dust (my kids aren’t great with chores).

What are you listening to? The Moth, Ted Talks

What are your current addictions? I am currently addicted to planning the MFEE AMAZING FUNDRACER! My best friend and I, LeAnne Korbel, auditioned for the CBS show the Amazing Race a few times. We were desperate to have an adventure together. Turns out, with eight kids between us, full-time jobs, lovely – but still needy husbands – we are already living quite an adventure. We have yet to get on the show, so we decided to devise our own race – and so far, it is AMAZING! Can’t wait for May 22nd. I love throwing a fun party, and I especially love celebrating with an interesting, eclectic group of people – and that’s exactly who we have as competitors. How cool will it be to see our Fire Chief and Police Chief race alongside our librarians, teachers, and MHS seniors? We have worked hard to create a fun, memorable experience for these racers. We hope they enjoy it!

Talent you would most like to have. I wish I could sing,  like, amazingly well. Like Adele. I don’t want to toot my own horn, but I am a pretty mean karaoker. I’m just not a good singer. Karaoke is all about the performance.

What’s the worst-kept secret about Montclair? It’s Montclair – no secrets are kept well.

What do you hope they say about you at your funeral? She was a good mom, daughter, and friend.