Why did Republican Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen, whose district includes Upper Montclair, help sink the GOP’s cruel Obamacare replacement by coming out against it on March 24?

Makeus Sickby, MD

A huge reason was NJ 11th for Change, the amazing group (powered mostly by women) that has diplomatically but strongly pressured Rodney to stop always supporting Trump and the far right — even as Rutgers students embarrassed about living in Frelinghuysen Hall removed the paper bags from their heads for a day.


So NJ 11th for Change — which has members from Montclair and many other towns — literally helped save lives?

Sue Pergroup

Yes! I might add that House Speaker Paul Ryan, who yearns to yank health insurance from millions, used Social Security survivor benefits to pay for college after his father died. So he’s an anti-government hypocrite who wants to block the escalator after ascending it in his Maul of America.

Would Frelinghuysen have spoken against “RyanTrumpCare” if the effort to pass it wasn’t doomed to fail?

The Red Badge of Cautious

Unlikely. But we’ll take it, and watch Rodney like a hawk in the future. For variety, we’ll also watch him like a blue-footed booby.


At the Planning Board’s March 27 meeting, we saw plans for the huge Seymour Street-area “arts” complex. Just how crammed will downtown be when that complex joins Valley & Bloom, the new hotel, the proposed bigger Lackawanna Plaza, the proposed expansion of the former Diva Lounge building, etc.?

Suburban to Urban is Disturbin’

More Montclairites will visit Manhattan to feel less crowded.


And there’s worry that the Seymour behemoth will have little affordable space for local nonprofit arts groups and local talented-but-struggling artists. Is that worry warranted?

Fed Up With Upscale

Despite the developer’s gentrification bent, a variety of tenants will be welcome: artists who paint flattering pictures of CEOs, musicians who sing the praises of Wall Street, actors who perform in the play “Ayn Rand Meets Frankenstein”…


Meanwhile, the Board of School Estimate’s next 2017-18-school-budget meeting is scheduled for tonight (March 30) in the Municipal Building. Anything to add after you repeatedly lamented the awful proposed staff cuts caused by Gov. Christie’s local tax-hike cap and state-aid shortfall?

Limit on Tax, Then the Ax

The BoSE could periodically convene throughout the year to try to be more proactive than reactive. As of now, the only non-March/April meeting I’ve heard about will be held this Nov. 94th (when Thanksgiving leftovers are finished).


That date doesn’t exist!

Fake News You Can’t Use

Keep your anti-dried-fruit bias to yourself!


On what issue do you hope Rodney Frelinghuysen takes a stand against next?

Tim Idity

So many to choose from — including Trump’s anti-women, anti-public-school, anti-immigration, and anti-environment actions; his plan for a huge military buildup; his refusal to release his taxes; and his proposal to cut Meals on Wheels. But for wintry Russia’s homebound, Trump does support Plates on Skates.

Dave Astor, author, is the MontClairVoyant. His opinions about politics and local events are strictly his own and do not represent or reflect the views of Baristanet.