A developer is seeking zoning approval to allow neurology and orthopedic practices owned by Summit Medical Group to open at 87-89 Valley Road, and permission to provide less parking than mandated by the township. The 10,000-square-foot medical-office building is being purchased by a group led by David Genova. LINDA MOSS/STAFF



A developer is seeking zoning approval to convert a medical-office building on Valley Road to use for neurology and orthopedic practices, and to provide roughly half the parking required by township ordinances.

The application brought before the Township Zoning Board of Adjustment last week involves 87-89 Valley Road, a two-story, 10,000-square-foot office building built in 1954 in a residential area. Local developer David Genova of BG Holdings LLC is seeking an expansion of a nonconforming use for the property, which his group is under contract to purchase, and approval to supply 36 parking spaces instead of the required 67, or one for every 150 square feet of the building.

“My biggest concern is the parking,” said Zoning Board Member Joseph Fleischer, who chaired the meeting.

The building is currently owned and occupied by Dr. Vincent Giampapa, and has approval to house plastic surgery and skin-care practices. At the hearing, which was continued until May 10, Genova said he is under contract to purchase the building from Giampapa, who plans to retain 1,000 square feet for his practice.

Pending the necessary zoning board approvals, Genova said he has negotiated a seven-year  lease for Summit Medical Group to occupy the remaining 9,000 square feet of the building. Summit will relocate a Montclair orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Gary Rombough, and a Glen Ridge neurologist into 6,000 square feet, according to Genova. A third office, a yet-undetermined Summit Medical practice, will take the other 3,000 square feet.

“We don’t believe this is much of an intensification (of zoning use),” Genova told the board.

Genova’s attorney, Alan Trembulak, said that the township has a “very onerous” parking requirement for medical-use buildings, one spot for every 150 square feet of the property. He called a witness, traffic engineer Nicholas Verderese, who testified that most New Jersey towns require just three to four parking spaces per 1,000 square feet for medical offices, while Montclair’s ordinance translates to 6.7 spaces per 1,000 square feet.

He added that the Institute of Transportation Engineers recommends that there be 3.2 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet allotted at medical-office buildings, which would mean the Valley Road building would only need 32 parking spaces. At the hearing Genova outlined his plan to offer 36 parking spaces. There are already 19 spaces behind the building, which will be reserved for patients, he said. And he has made arrangements to lease 10 spaces at 94 Valley Road and seven spaces at 133 Valley Road, for use by doctors and staff, to bring the total to 36.

There are also about 70 on-street parking spaces within 300 feet on the medical building, according to testimony at the hearing.

Fleischer also wanted Genova to agree that medical personnel at the building be limited to 12 doctors and 18 staff members, and the developer agreed.

Jaimie is an award-winning journalist and editor.