On May 21st, The Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence (MFEE) town-wide community event — The Amazing FUNDRACER: The SEQUEL — grossed approximately $97,000 to support MFEE’s new initiatives to better prepare our youngest learners for school and to better equip our tweens/teens for life after high school.

Photo: Chanda Hall

One hundred brave racers took on the challenging course that lasted over four hours, covered the entire town of Montclair, included 13 challenges (plus an additional four mini-challenges) and three Pit Stops! Challenges included scavenger hunts in Montclair Center, eating dried bugs, building a Big Wheel and riding it in Glenfield Park, a water balloon toss , and many more. In the end, Team Fricke and Frack, both Renaissance Middle School parents, were victorious!

Team Fricke and Frack, both Renaissance Middle School parents, were the winners!

“We were overwhelmed by the level of engagement in this year’s Amazing FundRACER. Not only did we have 100 Amazing racers, but we also had over 100 volunteers, support from over 75 businesses and nonprofit groups, generous contributions from individual donors, participation from the police and other municipal groups, and over 1,300 donors that supported our teams!” says MFEE Executive Director Masiel Rodriquez-Vars.

She adds, “The proceeds raised from the event are critical to supporting our schools, and the support network developed by this fun community experience is equally, if not more, valuable.”

MFEE Board President, Wil Adkins was thrilled with the community fundraiser. “As president of MFEE, it was truly rewarding to experience the excitement, and enthusiasm exhibited by the participants, but more importantly, our volunteers, they are the individuals who give freely of their time to support MFEE on behalf of Montclair’s students, we thank them immensely, we could not do what we do without their assistance. MFEE will continue to demonstrate unwavering support for our schools, the education of our students, and the families of Montclair”

Racers included Assistant Superintendent, Kendra Johnson, and Director of Secondary Education, Marcos Vargas, several teachers and principals, business owners, police officers, coaches, parents, and even a few students.

An incredible team of volunteers helped manage these wacky challenges and to throw a fabulous after party. A team of grillers (Tim Barr, David Oscar, Tony Turner, and MHS Security Guard Charles Murphy) provided delicious food and DJ Hakim spun some awesome tunes.

Montclair State University, Jackals Baseball, Yogi Berra Museum and several businesses generously supported challenge sites on their grounds, including Little Daisy Bake Shop, ACME grocery store, and Applegate Farm. Still more donated prizes for racers and purchased ads in the event journal.

Liz George is the publisher of Montclair Local. liz@montclairlocal.news