Name: Kathleen Bedoya

Where do you live? Montclair, South End

When did you move there? 10 years ago

Where did you grow up? West New York, NJ

How do you make a living? OR What is your everyday passion?

I work as a television writer/producer.  I created a teen drama series airing on Hulu called East Los High that deals with sexual rights and reproductive justice. I’m currently working on my own YA novel. My greatest social concern is standing up for the welfare of thousands of immigrant children sitting in detention centers right now. I support organizations such as BlueWaveNJ and Voto Latino that are working on the local and national level to address immigration reform and injustice.

Coffee, tea or … ?  Both. My family is Colombian, so coffee has always reigned first, but I recently ventured into green tea and am loving it. I brew my coffee using a French press and am currently enjoying some new brands, Devoción (from Colombia), and Solidarity (roasted by a good friend in Montreal).

What’s your idea of a perfect weekend day? On weekends, I look forward to family time and spiritual reflection. On the perfect day, we would go for a bike ride or walk in the woods, watch movies, and take a long nap.

What’s your favorite local restaurant? So many! These are my “go to” regulars: Marcel, Vanillamore, Ani Ramen, Villalobos, The Corner, Red Eye, Le Salbuen, Halcyon, and of course, Noches de Colombia for my comfort food!

What’s on your nightstand?  My Brilliant Friend. The Four Agreements. The Conscious Parent.

What are you listening to?  WNYC Radio’s podcasts. Pandora streams all day, based on my mood. The Insight Timer app also has great ambient sound that I listen to while working.

What are your current indulgences? Ayurvedic cooking. Transcendental Meditation. La Reina del Flow series.

What talent you would most like to have? I would love to cook & sing as well as my mother and sew as well as my grandmother.

What’s the worst-kept (or best-kept!) secret about Montclair? The free museum passes at the Montclair Public Library. Jazz House Kids. Clairidge Cinema. Watchung Booksellers. So grateful to have these in our town, plus so much more.

What do you hope they say about you at your funeral? I’m working on living more in the present, so I’m focused on how my loved ones experience me today rather than tomorrow. Plus, I’m thinking of a party instead of a funeral, with a great DJ and classic disco…