The Montclair Public Library is making Chromebooks available for in library use by Montclair Public School students. “Our goal is to help our students have a successful future by providing the technology they need,” said Peter Coyl, Library Director.

Academic success is partly determined by having access to the Internet and being proficient in technology-based tools. According to the Montclair Public Schools current Technology Plan one goal is to “promote the use of GSuite for Education, Google Classroom and other relevant technology-based tools in the classroom, building and district.”

In order to support students in using the Google environment, the Montclair Public Library is rolling out the new service of lending Chromebooks to students for use in the library. Montclair students will be able to use their library cards to borrow a Chromebook to complete schoolwork.

Chromebooks will be available to borrow at the Main Library in the Teen Room on the first floor after school and from the third floor Youth Services and Teen Services desk all other times the library is open. Students will be able to log in with their own school Google accounts for a two hour loan period and may see a staff person to extend their time. Once a session has ended all information and history is wiped from the device to maintain privacy and security.

The Library has also increased the number of Hotspots available for checkout. Hotspots, a device that provides free wifi access, may also be borrowed by parents and caregivers of Montclair students for a 90 day loan period. Montclair adult residents may borrow hotspots for 28 days and may also check out Chromebooks, with a valid Montclair library card, for use on the second floor of the library for a two hour loan period. Borrowers must not have internet access at home.

“By providing Chromebooks and Hotspots we are helping to bridge the digital divide.” said Coyl. “We want all our students to have the resources and tools they need to achieve their goals and dreams.”