Dr. Sándor Szábo conducts the Oratorio Society of New Jersey. COURTESY OSNJ

“Stabat Mater,” the 13th century hymn portraying Mary’s suffering at the crucifixion, set by Karl Jenkins, with soprano, chorus and orchestra, is the centerpiece of the Oratorio Society of New Jersey’s annual spring concert on Saturday, April 27, 8 p.m. at  Church of the Immaculate Conception, 30 North Fullerton Ave., as part of the church’s “Music in Montclair” series. 

OSNJ writes: “Jenkins departs from the traditional text to bring a more universal message to the work, adding to the traditional Latin text additional poetry sung in Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and English.” Jenkins holds a doctorate in music from the University of Wales, and was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 2010.

OSNJ performed Jenikns’ “The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace” in 2016.




Founded in 1952, the Oratorio Society of New Jersey is an amateur ensemble dedicated to performing major works of the Western classical choral repertoire, from the Baroque era to the current century.  Based in Montclair, choir members reside throughout Northern Jersey. Directed since 2005 by Conductor Sándor Szábo, OSNJ performs twice yearly as part of the Music in Montclair Series at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Montclair and presents an annual Community Messiah Sing in December.  Recordings of numerous performances of OSNJ can be heard on the website, and are also available on CD.


Tickets and information are available at