Name: Isabella Artale

Where do you live? In Montclair, NJ.

When did you move there? At the age of two.

Where did you grow up? Montclair, NJ mostly. I was born in Queens, NY and spent two years living above my cousin and his family.

How do you make a living? OR What is your everyday passion? I do freelance fabrication in LIC, but I’d like to supplement my income by selling my ceramics as well.

Coffee, tea or … ? It depends on the time of the day. Right now I’m between drinking coffee and a chicory herbal mix in the morning. Tea at night.

What’s your idea of a perfect weekend day? I’d start the morning early. Watch the sun come up. Run through the woods with the dog. And get a bunch of pots thrown on the wheel. Definitely make something home cooked for dinner.

What’s your favorite local restaurant? Bivio. The most fantastic pizza and made by a really lovely person.

What’s on your nightstand? A few photos, some stones and crystals, and a glass of water. Probably some loose floss string.

What are you listening to? It’s always changing. The last good song I listened to was Smile by Durand Jones & The Indications.

What are your current indulgences? Chocolate forever, but also pedicures with my mom. I never used to do them, but now I join her on occasion and it’s the nicest way to bond and get the stress kneaded out of your heels.

What talent you would most like to have? Something to do with photography. I struggle documenting my work, and I’d like to know how to take a decent shot.

What’s the worst-kept (or best-kept!) secret about Montclair? Not sure on this one, although Eagle Rock Reservation always feels like a private oasis to clear the head, especially if it’s a rainy day and no one is out.

What do you hope they say about you at your funeral?

“Well, she did almost everything she said she’d do.”