The New Jersey State Library has awarded a 2020 Multicultural Program Award to the Montclair Public Library. The New Jersey State Library Multicultural Program Award is an annual award given to libraries that have conducted an exemplary program or program series that foster the understanding of multiculturalism through sustainable community partnerships. The award consists of a certificate and a $1,000 honorarium.

Montclair Public Library is being recognized for “A Celebration of Peruvian Culture” that was held on June 19. It featured displays of artwork and crafts, folk dances, and remarks by Yvan Solari Calvo, Senior, Consul General Del Peru.

“Introducing our community to other cultures is just one way of educating our users about the world we live in. We hope the programs we presented can inspire and help other Libraries do the same,” said Peter Coyl, Director of Montclair Public Library. “It is a true honor to have the hard work of our staff recognized by the State Library.”