MONTCLAIR, NJ — Watchung Booksellers is pleased to host an in person workshop with therapist Catherine A. Duca, author of “Unmasked: Discover the Hidden Power of Your True Self” on Wednesday, September 1 at 7:30 p.m.

From the time we’re born, we’re conditioned to be a certain way, to show the world carefully selected aspects of who we are while doggedly hiding others. Yet, the events of the last year have challenged the very roles and identities we rely on to feel emotionally safe and secure. As we begin to take off our literal masks, we have an opportunity to come face-to-face with who we really are at our core and examine how we truly want to live our lives.

Catherine Duca, LCSW, will lead participants in learning about psychological masks such as people-pleasing, over-apologizing, and fixing others, and offer guidance toward maintaining a clearer, more confident understanding of our unique value and self-worth.

“Unmasked” workshop tickets are $20 and include a signed book. Participants must be vaccinated and space is limited. Register at