Name: January Levy

Where do you live? I live in Montclair’s South End.

When did you move there? I moved to this place in November 2020.

Where did you grow up? I grew up here in Montclair.

How do you make a living? OR What is your everyday passion? I currently cut hair and own my own barbershop called January’s Barbershop.

Coffee, tea or … ? That definitely depends. Usually after 3, I do tea.

What’s your idea of a perfect weekend day? I love hanging out with my two sons. Usually whatever they want to do or food they want me to make or get. We just enjoy time together and with family.

What’s your favorite local restaurant? Hands down, my favorite restaurant in town is Mesob.

What’s on your nightstand? A lamp. I don’t like keeping anything on my nightstand.

What are you listening to? Currently loving the song Sedona by Houndmouth.

What are your current indulgences? Right now I have a bad Call of Duty habit. I’m trying to not play too much. Video games are my indulgence, for sure.

What talent you would most like to have? I’d love to be able to be a stunt woman.

What’s the worst-kept (or best-kept!) secret about Montclair? 

I think that the worst-kept secret is the impact this pandemic has had on the socialization and dynamics for a lot of high school aged kids. The impact on mental health in this town definitely needs to be acknowledged. I really think the youth in this town need a lot more guidance and positivity instead of the negative back and forth. They need to feel supported and heard.

What do you hope they say about you at your funeral? I just hope people remember when I made them laugh and cut their hair the best.