nits.1.jpgThis month’s free parenting workshop, sponsored by Alma Schneider of Take Back the Kitchen, Terra Tea Salon and the Montclair Public Schools Health and Wellness Partnership, is all about the dreaded topic of lice. Every parent cringes when she receives the notice from school that lice is going around, but there are ways to try and prevent it and good ways to treat it quickly before everyone in the house is itching.
Lice Spet (she’s not offended by the name) Susan Kaufman will lead the workshop on Thursday night and share what she knows about the prevention and treatment of lice, selling equipment for people who want to have the product in-house, and answering questions.
In addition to the great information, you get to enter a free drawing for a “do-it-yourself lice removal kit” which includes the all natural LiceBGone enzyme shampoo, The Terminator Nit Removal Comb, Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel leave-in conditioner, a magnifying glass that you wear around your head and more.
Parent Workshops
Who: Parents.
What: Free parenting workshops with various topics.
Where: Terra Tea Salon, 10 Church Street, Montclair, NJ, 07042.
When: Thursdays at 7 pm.
Cost: Free. For more information email Alma Schneider.

Georgette Gilmore is Montclair Local's Engagement Editor. She's an avid reader and eater and loves a good cocktail. Georgette is a proud Jersey Girl who has lived in Montclair for 22 years.