We asked you to join a Baristanet Flickr group and take pictures of New Year’s Eve. Well, a few people did. Here’s Paul Zalewski’s shot of the new Fitzgerald’s Tavern, which had an opening night party last night, Walleroo’s shots of First Night Montclair and my shots of a couple of New Year’s parties, along with some other photos (like Iceman’s wedding) posted just for fun.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

Add your photos by setting up a Flickr account and posting your pictures here.

11 replies on “And Here It Is … Your Baristanet Flickr Slide Show”

  1. Does anyone know who the sax player is?He looks like Delbert the sax player from a favorite beachside restaurant in Aruba & when talking to him between songs, he said he visits the NY area several times a year.

  2. Miss M,
    It’s just one picture of me and the missus…also, I’m not wearing my glasses for the money shot.

  3. Fitgerald’s is where Joseph’s used to be. It’s on Herman street right next to the Police station (yes I am aware of the irony of the location).
    Happy New Year!

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