We know Stephen Colbert can write. Here he is writing his autograph at Watchung Booksellers back in November. Not only that, he wrote this book review on Amazon. He even wrote the #1 New York Times nonfiction hajrdcover bestseller “I Am America (And So Can You)” — along with Richard Dahm, Paul Dinello, Allison Silverman et al.
Next week, we find out how important the et al. is, when “The Colbert Report,” along with “The Daily Show” and other late-night comedy, returns to the air after a two-month hiatus for the writers strike. But unlike Letterman, who returns tomorrow night with writers, Colbert and the rest will be going it alone.
What will that mean for “The Word,” “On Notice” and the “Threat Down”? After all, a Brooks Brothers jacket, glasses and a cute punim alone do not alone comedy make. Or do they…?

19 replies on “Stephen, Unscripted”

  1. Even Superman had to leave Gotham to recharge his batteries and talk to his magic crystal. Everyone wanted him to return. “Where’s Superman!” They cried. I have been crying. But now, he is back.

  2. Hope they feel good crossing that picket line everyday.
    Gotta get the C.R.E.A.M…. (Cash Rules Everything Around Me).

  3. Not everything, but most things, but I’m sure this will come as a welcome relief to everyone else involved in the production of these shows who have been losing wages and been held hostage to this dispute.
    The prof must be in a good mood today; no typical invective against the “scabs”.

  4. If your point was
    a) that you exhibit a parochially blind allegiance to the union “cause”, whatever the union and whatever the cause,
    b) that you frequently and gleefully resort to name-calling when trying to defend your position,
    c) that name-calling is one of the many bullying tactics that unions and their minions (such as you) often employ against those who dare to think and act for themselves,
    then no gratitude is necessary, for you have made these points quite well yourself on a tiresomely frequent basis.
    But you’re welcome anyway.

  5. “In the United States, there exists a coalition of union leaders who prefer protection over competition.”
    “Unions focus on politics; corporations on doing business.”
    Newt “pro-earth” Gingrich

  6. Do either of you fools even know what this strike is about?
    (And cro, because I answered Perlstien’s question with Newt, does not mean I support any of his positions. But perhaps that was too difficult for you to understand….)
    So stay on the side of big media and I will continue to support the writers. (And yes, they are scabs!! Enjoy the show.)

  7. Hey prof, did I say that YOU supported Newt? There are a few words that are used in reference to those who think everything is about them — paranoid, self-obsessed, etc. etc. Take your pick.
    How interesting that you are now the friend of the working man, and the scourge of big media. This from a guy who can’t find the loo without a YouTube map.

  8. 1. The people who have signed a separate contract or who are going it without their writers, from my understanding, will be bound by the terms of the final contract.
    2. The shows going back on air are doing so to keep people employed, the union is not looking to put a lot of people on the dole and possibly lose talented people in other professions when they need to feed their families.
    3. Seems as though, instead of a “tenure” type fight (that carries dead weight) the writers are looking for a fair deal for their intellectual rights (thus not looking to screw everybody else).
    4. The networks are keeping other people employed by switching to reality shows. The union must still feel as though they have a strong bargaining point or they would be trying to stop Leno, etc. from going on air.
    5. They score big points for all of the above.
    6. The prof must be that stupid blowup rat, full of air and kissing the butt of anyone guaranteeing tenure (that is if he wasn’t just a wanna be and backtracking Newt supporter).
    7. hy-phens are so last year.

  9. (I forgot, Happy New Year!)
    Duck and cro, while I would love to continue, a simple read finds you both lacking in 1) basic logic- (working man to youtube?) or 2) the ability to understand the issues on this strike.
    Continue on. I’ll wait for a new Baristanet post.

  10. Gee, we’ll miss you, prof. But I at least can rest assured that you will show up, full of the usual horse manure, on another thread — real soon.

  11. “Duck and cro, while I would love to continue, a simple read finds you both lacking in 1) basic logic- (working man to youtube?) or 2) the ability to understand the issues on this strike.”
    What’s that, the straw man fishing for the red herring?

  12. “Even Superman had to leave Gotham to recharge his batteries and talk to his magic crystal.”
    Crap. I was really hoping someone else would have caught this and I wouldn’t have to show how much of a geek I am. Batman is from Gotham, Superman is based out of Metropolis.

    It doesn’t weaken your analogy though. Stephen will be fine. He didn’t get to be this successful without making good decisions. I’m sure he’s chosen wisely.

  13. If, say, I were a writer and the strike were ongoing, could I take a job as a taxi driver? Salesman? Iron worker? Television presenter?
    It seems to me that Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert are in significant ways, “bosses” of their own projects, and as such, are responsible for making decisions and take actions as executives and not as members of the writers union.
    Plus, their shows are, to a certain extent, news programs. Say what you like, but you cannot deny that for a certain segment of the population, The Daily Show is a primary news source. In times of crisis or turmoil (Iraq war, election year, writer’s strike) the news, even the fake news, has a duty to keep the public informed.
    As a non-union member of the public who understands the importance of union negotiations, has a great deal of sympathy for the writers’ position, but also opposes religious fundamentalism in all forms, I applaud Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert for making the hard choice to keep the lights on for the benefit of their non-writing employees and the public at large. No doubt they will provide a valuable public forum to discuss and deconstruct these and other pressing issues.

  14. I walked a Teamster’s Local #866 picket line for 7 weeks in 1976 ‘recognition’ strike.
    Some of the BAs that joined us on the line were genuinely frightening people.
    There were several extremely tense moments out there – like having a ‘scab’ truck driver jump out of his rig swinging a tire iron at our heads – he missed mine by scant inches.
    It was a real life lesson for me in how the ‘real world’ works.

  15. I have to admit I was wrong about the support of the union for the hosts other than Letterman. I was under the impression that as long as they didn’t utilize writers during the strike and agreed to the final settlement, there wasn’t a problem.
    Now that I’m caught up, Capt. V has a good point about being a boss making the right decision, not a scab. The union has made a mistake in not allowing these shows to continue without writers by picketing and pushing for SAG members to stay away. I don’t think the extra pressure from celebs not being able to hawk their projects is going to make a difference to the outcome, there can’t be that much revenue in a couple of hours.
    When they force innocent people with no stake out of work, then, IMO, the union is neither moving their cause forward nor garnering public support. I also think the hosts (as mostly members, I believe) would be putting the word out for the union much more than they will now.
    I guess if it was simple, we wouldn’t have unions, but watch out for what will turn around and bite your buttocks.

  16. Daily Show and Colbert Report return on Monday, January 7. Letterman was unfunny despite his writers last night.

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