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When I need some scary Halloween decorating inspiration, in Baristaville, Dr. Gangi’s is the place to go. But when it comes to Christmas, a walk into Accents With Flowers on Church Street makes me feel like the Sugar-Plum Fairy. Every year I make multiple visits to see the spell-binding, over-the-top, packed-to-the-rafters display of Christmas paraphernalia, ranging from traditional to kitsch. This year, they’ve got at least five festive faux fir trees in the store, including one topped with an Eiffel Tower.
Tell us where you’ve experienced a spectacular seasonal decoration sighting…

22 replies on “It’s Beginning To Feel A Lot Like Christmas!”

  1. Thank you, Nellie. You’re my kind of gal.
    If the #%#%# stock market would keep rising, I might be able to squeeze out a few drops of Christmas cheer, but otherwise… Buzz off!
    Wake me when the Dow crosses 9k.

  2. I wonder lately about all those houses in the Italian sections of Brooklyn.
    They used to have so much lighting outside during Christmas that the city could have shut off the street lamps.

  3. Down with December!
    Just kidding. I love the holidays, just not the cold. Accents with Flowers is a great store, by the way. I could spend an hour in there.

  4. There is a beautiful Norway Spruce on Broad St. in NYC, just outside the NYSE. It’s very large, perhaps over 40′ high.

  5. There’s over-the-top good (Accents with Flowers), and then there’s over the top tragic/terrifying….
    If you’re feeling extra Christmas-y, (or extra manic), check out this house in the Bronx. I drive by it on my way to class, and can’t imagine how it doesn’t cause more collisions from the rubbernecking.
    In case you were wondering – yes, that is someone’s home, and yes, those are full-size mannequins of the rockettes, the nativity, etc.
    I need a xanex just looking at it.

  6. There’s over-the-top good (Accents with Flowers), and then there’s over the top tragic/terrifying….
    If you’re feeling extra Christmas-y, (or extra manic), check out this house in the Bronx. I drive by it on my way to class, and can’t imagine how it doesn’t cause more collisions from the rubbernecking.
    In case you were wondering – yes, that is someone’s home, and yes, those are full-size mannequins of the rockettes, the nativity, etc.
    I need a xanex just looking at it.

  7. Meridotz: I see what you mean.
    Does anyone know if a certain Mr. Auriemma from Belleville still has a live nativity scene at his house?

  8. I agree, that store should be renamed Eye Candy. My eyes don’t know where to focus next when I walk in there. Very creatively arranged as wlel.

  9. This being Montclair and all, I expected to read:
    “It’s Beginning To Feel A Lot Like HOLIDAY!”
    I mean, what if someone, anyone gets—- offended– reading CHRISTMAS?
    I hear simply uttering the word in some parts of the USA gets you a beat down by the Bouncers at the Diva Lounge……

  10. OK Prof, perhaps it should be “It’s beginning to feel a lot like Winter Solstice” Merry Christmas to you, Prof,either way.

  11. “…There is a beautiful Norway Spruce on Broad St. in NYC, just outside the NYSE. It’s very large, perhaps over 40′ high.”
    And I know some Wall Stree execs who would look just great as ornaments dangling from its branches.

  12. The winster solstice, J Perlstein, is celebrated not with decorations but, more properly, by looking at the atsronomical alignments of the stones someplace northerly like Newgrange, Callanish or Kilmartin Glen.
    And these are all wild, exposed places. So after an hour or so, you will surely wish to hurry on inside a local pub for a convivial, warming few. Which will, in its turn, make even Christmas pass more merrily. (As I learned one December in NW Scotland.)

  13. It’s tragic what’s happening to the sock market. Used to be you could walk in there were hardly any socks to be found, especially in the popular sizes and colors. Now the walls and racks are filled to capacity, everything from sweat socks, tennis socks, argyles, wickaway, you name it. They’re just not selling, even with the price reductions. I had one retailer pull me from another department of one major chain, begging and pleading with me to just come LOOK at the socks. It was a horrible thing to observe.

  14. Miss Martta, you remind me of those two SNL skits, one about Russian Jewelry and one about Violins on TV

  15. True dat, Cathar, and I wonder how those early Angles, if alive today, might have perceived last week’s alignment of the Moon, Jupiter and Venus. It looked somewhat close to the moon/star stellar alignment featured in Turkey’s national flag.

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