More than 50 Montclair State University students came to a public forum Monday night to discuss two bias incidents last week against the LGBT Center located on campus.
According to Esmilda Abreu, director of equality and diversity at MSU, the word “fag” was written on the door of the LGBT Center last week, and then a note was left quoting Leviticus from the bible. Under the bible quote it said, “God and MSU hate fags. Get out of our campus.”

“It is really pompous of someone to think they can speak on behalf of the whole campusm,” said Josh Meyers, senior and vice president of SPECTRUMS (sexuality, pride, community, truth, respect, unity, Montclair State), a student-run organization on campus.
SPECTRUMS has started a campus-wide flyer campaign in response to the attacks. The posters say “This is our campus too!” and “We are not invisible”
“We just want people to know that we are out there and we want them to feel safe,” Meyers said.
The investigation process for the two incidents is ongoing. MSU Police said they were unable to find any fingerprints on the note. Another forum will be held today (Wednesday) at 3:30 p.m.
Kristie Cattafi, news editor of The Montclarion, is a junior at Montclair State studying journalism.

23 replies on “Bias Incidents at Montclair State University”

  1. writing the word fag on a LGBT center is an attack the same way a swastika on a synagogue is an attack. or the n word on an african-american’s home would be an attack.

  2. As usual, religious bigots make the best case against their own God and religion than anyone else ever could.

  3. SPECTRUMS (sexuality, pride, community, truth, respect, unity, Montclair State)
    You mean to tell me they couldn’t find a single word that begins with the letter “E” to make that incredibly awkward acronym complete?

  4. The actions of one, or even a few idiots, do not make for a general condemnation of religion and belief in a divinity, dannyboor.
    Nor should anyone at Montclair State thus overrate the “seriousness” of the situation there.
    And have a nicely contemplative Ash Wednesday. Memento mori, y-all.

  5. Why not captain blowhard? Religion’s been condemning entire nations and groups of people for thousands of years. Just following religions’ the glorious example set forth by religion and people acting in the name of their God well before my time.
    Love the “Do as I say, not as I do” suggestion though. It’s so cute!

  6. “God and MSU hate fags. Get out of our campus.”
    I can’t speak for God (I’ll have to ask him/her myself the next time we’re hanging out), but when I went to MSU, the student population was something like 33% homosexual.
    There would have to be a lot of self-haters for that statement to be true.

  7. Dannyboo, to dump all religious people into the same category is as ignorant as writing “Fag” on the door of the LGBT center. This type of sterotyping is counterproductive and precludes individuals from being able to find common ground. I’m sorry if you had a bad experience with religion, but please don’t generalize.

  8. Somehow, dannyboor, whenever you offer up one of your snarly, self-satisfied posts, I never quite feel that the milk of human kindness leaches out from you. Bile, yes, and in copious draughts. And this is despite your rather ponderous and near-daily, but ever so kind, blustery efforts to serve as an “instructor” to others in matters of racial, ethnic and sexual tolerance.
    Generically named Mike, how would you ever possibly apprehend/ascertain such a “percentage” of MSU’s student population as you offered above? While 33% would definitely, if true, make MSU a sort of proven magnet school for gays, the figure is definitely very much at odds with the best current estimates of the gay population, which begin at around 6%(at least for males) and then decline steeply. Perhaps you might ask your version of God the next time you’re in His/Her immanent presence about the accuracy of your, well, wild claim?

  9. Jesus save us from your followers!! I am a Buddhist Gay man. What a sad day for MSU. What a sad day for the students.
    Christians Moslems and Jews have been condemning Gays for Centuries. Religion is the problem not the answer. They will rot in hell , not the gays!

  10. Why the judgment in lifestyle?
    This might be only one deviant (the one tagging and leaving notes), but that’s one to many.
    As long as you’re not being forced by someone to do something, what do you care?

  11. Well,thairsh, I am here to say, that while I am a hetrosexual, married to a female, that I have NEVER EVER condemmed Gays, and they don’t come much more Jewish than I am! I belong to an Essex County Synagogue (Reform) – Keep Kosher – drive a Cadillac, have a large nose Okay? “Jewish enough for you?
    Now, I do not agree with you and I’ll state WHY. No group of people have been killed for no other reason other than who they were. So, you think we do not “know bigotry”? Therefore, the grand majority of us are the least to “cast aspirations” against other humans.
    I suggest that you attent a NYC Gay parade & see how many participants in fact, are Jewish.
    We believe in live & let live.
    Peace, bro !

  12. I’m glad you look on the bright side, Sandy. I feel inspired to go to the source:
    The text of Leviticus 18:22 has been translated as:
    “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”
    I guess “live and let live” is okay if the subject is standing or sitting.

  13. cathar,
    My figure comes from a nearly 10 year old conversation I had with an MSU administration official. Where she got the figure from is anyone’s guess.
    The funny thing is, that going through the Fine Arts program at MSU (and my continued acquaintance with someone who is in the same-said Masters program), I always figured her percentage to be on the low side.

  14. I actually understand, Generically named Mike. Many years ago, I was completely convinced that I was the sole heterosexual male in Harvard’s Art History Department in Graduate Faculties, either student or faculty member.
    Was I right? Probably not. But I was lonely enough to leave after one pretty good semester, to thus await the draft and subsequent service in Nam. So “it,” for better or worse, all started there.
    What did you study in Fine Arts? I’m curious. (Especially since you now have Nigel, for which congrats again, to support.)

  15. My two passions in high school were computers and photography.
    Too bad my guidance councilor neglected to tell me that there are way fewer jobs for Fine Arts photographers than there are for computer programmers.
    Fortunately, I’m good enough with my hands and all things electronic that my useless bit of paper isn’t keeping me from getting the family fed.

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