If you live in Montclair, you’ll be receiving this letter soon. Councilor Cary says in response:

Here is the tax letter that the Mayor sent out today. Many good points, but I wish he would have let the entire Council write the letter. I suspect we would have worded it somewhat differently.

One “minor” issue. I think excuses should have an “expiration date.” The “it’s all our Prior Manager’s fault” excuse should have expired a year ago.

Liz George is the publisher of Montclair Local. liz@montclairlocal.news

8 replies on “Dear Fellow Montclair Taxpayers…”

  1. These letters suck. Why not just say “hey, we’re a bunch of boobies and can’t figure it out.” I don’t see how having my taxes go up 20% in three years in the middle of an economic collapse and almost zero inflation is “responsible”.

  2. Cary,

    Obama is still trading on the “it’s the last guy’s fault” and (fewer) liberals seem to believe him. So why do you think the Council wouldn’t give it a try?

    Because really, they “didn’t drive this car in the ditch.”

  3. “Dear Taxpayer, We’re going to really try to hold the tax increase for 2011 to the 2% cap.”

    What about zero growth or, better yet, DECREASE our taxes to make up for the lousy job you’ve done for the last two years?

  4. “it’s the last guy’s fault” ~ on a national level this is unfortunately correct. From peace and a surplus to the mess we’re in now and two (stupid, pointless (unless you’re big oil)) wars. Sometimes facts are simply facts.

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