If you usually ride the midtown direct train, you’ll be changing it up a bit tonight, as ALL trains will originate and terminate at Hoboken this afternoon and evening.

Here’s what Clever Commute says:
[NJTT-MandE] Penn problems caused by derailed train
[NJTT-MandE] Njt reporting no penn station service today-nite. Everything thru hoboken
[NJTT-MandE] From NJT: All Midtown Direct trains will continue to originate/terminate at Hoboken during the afternoon and evening commute. PATH cross honoring between Hoboken & 33rd.

Let us know your plans for getting home. Anyone with a car want some extra Baristaville passengers?

Photo credit to Wallyg

17 replies on “Everyone to Hoboken Train Station”

  1. They already know the trains won’t be up and running in 4+ hours? Another day, another NJT problem. They should be paying US.

  2. at least it’s a legitimate excuse this time. Rather than “Dew on the tracks” or somesuch.

  3. Yup…the commuters were indeed right on top of this story.
    The good news here is that the cross-honoring is in place (PATH as well as private buses).
    New sign-ups are coming in nicely…

  4. LOL, RoC. Reminds me of the (years ago) conductor on the pre-cursor to Metro North (NYNH&H RR) who, when asked why the train was stopped in Fordham for 35 minutes, growled “Buffalo on the tracks” without missing a beat.

  5. I was on the 11AM Walnut Street train this morning and when they said that all Midtown Direct Trains were going to Hoboken due to a derailment, I had a hunch that this evening’s commute would be messed up as well.

  6. Do you think Chistie is getting a message?

    Let’s all hold hands and chant tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel

  7. Also, anyone who heads through Times Square on their way home, avoid 7th Ave between 42nd and 39th. There is a HUGE labor rally down there, complete with Lech Walesa speaking. No idea how long it’s going to go on.

  8. “The tunnel doesn’t seem like such a bad idea now, does it?”

    It’s a terrific Idea. It would be wonderful to have. The quality of our lives would improve. Unfortunately, just like with my longed-for swimming pool, we can’t afford it.

  9. ROC, that interchange project connecting the southbound GSP to the eastbound 78 and the northbound GSP to the westbound 78 is now projected to cost 160 million. Should this too not have been built? We really couldn’t afford it. As you know the NJ DOT has been broke for years.

    The problem is that we spend many more billions building and maintaining highways and bridges then we do on making mass transit convenient enough for more people to use it. Every new lane added to a highway at $2 million per mile, reduces the likelihood that someone will ride the train. I suppose you could simply get rid of all subsidies for mass transit and then you would see what kind of impact this would have on traffic and property taxes. If the leaders shared your view during the Great Depression, we would all be taking the ferry into Manhattan today.

  10. And now reports are coming in that DeCamp is, in fact, cross-honoring. Must be just one angry driver.

  11. “ROC, that interchange project connecting the southbound GSP to the eastbound 78 and the northbound GSP to the westbound 78 is now projected to cost 160 million. Should this too not have been built? We really couldn’t afford it. As you know the NJ DOT has been broke for years.”

    I’m surprised to have to explain this to you Stu. But what we have already should be properly maintained BEFORE building new infrastructure.

    Think of it this way pehaps, Before you add new swimming pool to the back yard you should be able to maintain your roof.

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