One Nation Working Together Rally

Montclair teens went to their own rally in DC, one that wasn’t headed by a TV personality. This rally was for One Nation Working Together, “a social movement of individuals and organizations committed to putting America back to work and pulling America back together. Coming from a diverse set of backgrounds, experiences, beliefs and orientations, we are determined to build a more united country with good jobs, equal justice, and quality public education for all.”

Gabrielle Peterson, the Communications Chairperson for the Montclair NAACP, wrote in about the experience:

After a great deal of scheduling, rescheduling and unanticipated delays, the bus finally left Montclair around 8:30 am. Some of the Youth Council members consisted of myself, Gabrielle Peterson, as well as Chelsea Webb-Selgado, and Stephanie Zacchino . The bus driver made a stop in Willingboro, NJ to pick up a group of activists from the Willingboro, NJ unit of the NAACP before we all headed down for the rally.

Once we arrived in Washington D.C., we saw people walking around the Nation’s Capitol sporting all types of posters and signs expressing their sentiment about creating more jobs, affordable education, equal rights for gay and lesbian citizens (the “LBGT” movement), and the ongoing war. The Rally lived up to all of the expectations the NAACP Washington D.C. Bureau set out to accomplish when they planned the event in July.

People of all different colors and walks of life organized in the Washington Mall to listen to a variety of different speakers including Isaiah Thomas, a student from George Washington University who said, the idea of “One Nation together is an important step. I can tell you that young people are trying to organize in their schools… because they know that the way to get things done is by organizing…organizing your community…organizing gets you wherever you need to be.”

When we were getting our lunch, State Youth Work Committee member Tom Lorenzo Reynolds asked “Are you ready to make this next big step?” On behalf of the Montclair Branch, Youth Council, I think it is safe to say, “Yes, we are ready to take this big step.”

To learn more about the Montclair Branch NAACP Youth Council, visit online or call, 973.509.0592.

5 replies on “Montclair Teens Join In The Rally For a Bright Future”

  1. Okay, so there’s a lot of organizing and speechifying, and the bus came early. But what’s the plan for creating more jobs and bringing the nation together? Or was this just a kind of quasi-educational picnic on a nice day in October?

  2. The bus drivers are secretly behind all of these “marches.” Between them and the A/V technicians life has been good.

  3. If you simply click on the rally organizers website you would easily see that their name One Nation Working Together is very misleading as is their mission statement of inclusiveness.

    First indication. “Photos (of the event) provided by the Daily Koz” , lol. One Nation Working Together? Doubtful. I guess if that ‘nation’ is only people that agree with their narrow lefty agenda.

    They claim they want to have a nation that is united and welcome everyone including conservatives and moderates. Their mission begins ” We are conservatives and moderates” , lol.

    Photos of the rally show a far different picture (pun intended). The usual rhetoric, senseless divisive signs trashing the GOP, the ‘rich’ and conservatives. Here are some of the signs at this unity rally, (pardon the language, its not mine) “kissing the GOP A$$ gets you Tea Bagged” , “The Trickle Down Theory is nothing but a Golden Shower”, “Fox News Unconstitutional” , “Fox News the more you watch the less you know” “Stop Robbing the Middle Class to pay the Rich”

    Diversity and unity?

    I really love the video of Democrat Party Chairman Howard Dean encouraging people to join this organization and stop ‘the people that want to push our nation backward who have become louder”. What a crock…..

    I love the way the article is written it leads you to believe it’s just a bunch of kids that got together with other kids from all walks of life sharing the same goal of unity and a ‘brighter future” (authors words). When in fact it was such a far left rally that one of the sponsors was the Communist Party USA. It’s a shame, these children probably thought they were there to meet people from all walks of life and sharing a similar goal of coming together with others and making a better nation and had no idea it was a marxist indoctrination rally.

  4. “A marxist indoctrination rally”…chilling words, herb. I seriously have chills right now thinking about these naive, brainwashed children that fell victim to the opiate of the masses–Marxism.

    But the trickle down/golden shower sign IS funny.

  5. Okay, I just checked out some of the photos from the event. Saw lots of shiny, happy people but did not see some of those signs that you mentioned, herb, but then, I lost interest after a while. I did like the “Jesus fed the poor-healed the sick-The Right Wing would call him a Socialist” sign. Interesting to compare and contrast that sentiment to a Honor Rally protestor that opined “we believe in Jesus Christ,” and Jesus, she said, would not have agreed with the economic stimulus package, bank bailouts and welfare. (NYT) I guess Jesus was the inspiration for Adam Smith.

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