Yes, thank you notes should be written when kids receive gifts. But how far should those notes go? I read a parenting advice column on this topic in the New York Times over the weekend, and a mother posed the following question:

My 2-year-old attends birthday parties for her preschool pals. She then receives thank-you notes for the gifts we bring, written “by” her friends and addressed to her, even though none of them can speak (much less write): “I especially loved the markers since I color every day after my nap.” I expected to make my kids write thank-you notes once they could write their own names, but should I be writing them in the meantime, in my daughter’s voice, to kids who can’t read?”

What do you think when you receive a thank you letter written “from” a child who isn’t of age to properly grip a pen? Do you send thank you this way? Why or why not? Read the Times‘ opinion here.

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