If you’ve got what it takes to serve as a conversational “provocateur” on stage, and be part of the upcoming production of Liz Lerman Dance Exchange’s The Matter of Origins, then MSU’s Peak Performances is looking for you.

The show’s producers are searching for Baristaville artists, scientists, and thinkers from all walks of life to serve as discussion facilitators for the show’s second act, which breaks into small group audience chats over tea and cake. The show runs from March 24 – 27.

The Matter of Origins — which explores the science of the mind and the poetry of human interaction — is based on the idea that through creative discourse, new worlds can be born, sometimes with explosive results. Lerman’s work is about scientific discovery; the production’s first act travels from Marie Curie’s Lab to the Hubble Telescope and the advent of the CERN Large Hadron Collider.

In the second act, the audience is moved from their seats up onto the stage, to participate in an interactive discussion at tables of 10, sharing ideas over iPads, tea and chocolate cake. These exciting and thought-provoking interactions are an homage to the teas held by Edith Warner for J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Los Alamos scientists working on the Manhattan Project. In the service to authenticity, the cake served during the event is a replica of Edith Warner’s own.

Peak Performances is on the hunt for local “provocateurs” who would sit at each tea table, guiding the discussions in the second act, allowing audience members to explore new ways of thinking about the universe. All the perfect provocateur needs is an inquisitive mind and a natural knack for conversation. Beyond that, training will be provided.

In addition to attending at least one training session (3/7, 4-6pm, 3/16, 7-9pm, 3/21, 7-9pm
or 3/23, 4:30-6:00pm), provocateurs must be at the dress rehearsal (3/23, 7pm), and in two performances (either 3/24, 7:30pm and 3/25, 7:30pm or 3/26, 8pm and 3/27, 3pm). All activities will take place on the MSU campus.

For more information on participating, call Carrie Urbanic, Office of Arts & Cultural Programming at Montclair State, 973-655-3069 or urbanicc@mail.montclair.edu.

To learn more about The Matter of Origins, click here and here.

Top photo by George Hagegeorge, lower photo by Jaclyn Borowski.

3 replies on “Are You Provocative?”

  1. Provocative? On Baristanet? Sorry Ladies, that ship has sailed to Patch I’m afraid. They’re actually covering provocative topics.

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