Name: John L. Farrell
Town: Denville
When did you move there? 2007, from Caldwell
How do you make a living? Client Project Manager at AT&T
Coffee, Tea or … ? English Breakfast Tea
What’s your idea of a perfect Saturday? Yard work in the morning…sports in the afternoon…dinner out with wife.
What’s your favorite local restaurant? Stamna, Bloomfield
What’s on your nightstand? Flags of our Father by James Brady and a James Patterson Novel
Your iPod? How Stuff Works podcast is my fav
Your TIVO? Boardwalk Empire, Weeds and Homeland
What do you hope they say about you at your funeral? I hope I’m recognized for being a good husband to my wife Dale Marie, and loyal to my family and friends.

John Farrell, known to Baristanet readers as Iceman, is a longtime commenter and a frequenter of Baristanet parties. He came to Boooristanet as part of the 1%.

31 replies on “Baristanet Profile: John Farrell, AKA “Iceman””

  1. “He came to Boooristanet as part of the 1%.”

    Someone has to root for them. John and I have been buddies for almost 10 years, and I can say with certainty that there isn’t a selfish, greedy, hurtful bone in his body. Even though we are on opposite sides of the political plate (I am slightly left of the salad fork, he is slightly right of the soup spoon), I am proud to call him my friend.

    (Message paid for by the Committee to Re-Elect the President: Hoover.)

  2. I had the pleasure of meeting Iceman a couple of years ago at a Baristanet election night party. Very nice guy.

    I don’t agree with your political leanings, but I LOVE Boardwalk Empire and Homeland! 😉

  3. Ice is a puzzle.

    Many times, he can be very gracious and witty and engaging.

    Other times, he says some awful things (recall “baboon”).

    He looks like a good guy, and many nice people say good things about him.

    With a name like Farrell, he must have a drop of the Celt in there somewhere.

    What a dilemma I’m facing!

    Paddy, give us another Bushmill’s. I’ve got some tinkin’ to do!

  4. Cro: You mean to tell me that in your life, you have never once said or done something you regretted later? If so, you are truly blessed but are probably not human.

    I can vouch for the Iceman. One of the nicest, down-to-earth guys you will meet and with a great sense of humor.

  5. First MM, the tone of my post was tongue-in-cheek. Sorry you didn’t see that.

    Second, I’ve done and said more things I regret than I can count. What, exactly, does that mean? That I therefore am barred from commenting on mistakes made by others?

    Is that, for example, the standard YOU uphold?

  6. “…it’s the most wonderful time of the year…”…Thanks to Madam Barista and all of my Barista buddies for the kind words.

  7. Cro, the use of “Paddy” indicates that some sense of political incorrectness lives in your soul, too. Ethnic sterotyping is against what the Thought Police have stated is proper behavior. Take yourself outside and give yourself twenty lashes.

  8. When did I say “Paddy”, Conan?

    I much prefer bogtrotter, Taig, Papishe, harp, mick, fish-eater, or mackrel-snapper.

    Paddy is a fine whiskey, and one of my younger brothers.

    Now get off my back, you martini-swilling WASP elitist!

  9. I like Iceman too. Not least because he’s a consistently conservative voice on this site. Albeit a more visceral sort of conservative than I probably am.

    In fact, I like him so much that I’m baffled that he agreed to sit for his profile on such a usually scabrously malinformed and predictably whingy (and often politically and socially quite hypocritical left-leaning site as this one.

    And he even shows up at Baristanet parties? Only, I hope and pray, to watch, in the true spirit of Savonarola (and perhaps also St. Dominic), the bonfire of the local vanities.

  10. You used to show up at parties too, cathar. And you seem to come back and back again to this “scabrously malinformed and predictably whingy (and often politically and socially quite hypocritical left-leaning site.” …. And, while I’m here, what’s on your nightstand?

  11. “With a name like Farrell, he must have a drop of the Celt in there somewhere.

    What a dilemma I’m facing!

    Paddy, give us another Bushmill’s. I’ve got some tinkin’ to do!”


  12. Ah now Conan, I meant Paddy as in Padraig, or Patrick if you prefer.

    Not as in “Get your hands up, you filthy Fenian Paddy bastard!”

    There’s a difference, you see.

    Now get off my back, you martini-swilling WASP elitist who pays retail!

  13. To flesh out your point, cathar, a supposedly left-leaning site with at least 10 right-leaning contributors, and, as such, an entertaining, fair and balanced place to visit. To wit:
    Did I forget anyone?

  14. Sorry DagT. You’re now officially on the unofficial list. And since you paraphrased Captain Renault, I’ll put him on the list, too.
    JG, “whatsup” is trying out “algb” right now. Next up , “trg” and then perhaps “calcl”.

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