My 4 1/2 year old princess loving, girly-girl is already asking me when she can wear makeup. She puts on her Chapstick and pretends it’s red lipstick. She can’t wait, but I can. I wasn’t allowed to wear makeup until high school. Then I went nuts with the dark black eyeliner.

When will/did you allow your daughter to wear makeup?

Take our poll….

[polldaddy poll=5849186]

(Photo: Flickr)

2 replies on “Barista Kids Poll: When Will/Did You Allow Your Daughter to Wear Makeup?”

  1. My daughter, who is 11, has some friends who are already wanting to wear makeup on a regular basis. My DD, who loves fashion, surprisingly has no interest — not even in Chapstick — which I do encourage her to use. She has to wear full stage make up several times a year for dance performances, and it seems this has put her off makeup, which is fine with me!

  2. I take it from the survey that Baristanet doesn’t include the possibility that a girl would wear makeup at 10?

    Anyway, our girl started as a toddler, to cover up the bruises for those home visits from DYFS.

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