This year Hanukkah begins at sunset on Saturday, December 8, and ends at nightfall on Monday, December 17. While all you’re likely hearing these days is Christmas music, there is some really great Hanukkah music. For those of you who are my age, Hanukkah Song by Adam Sandler is the Hanukkah song you think of the most. But times have changed. There are many fun, hip Hanukkah songs for families.


Here are a few of our favorites in our Hip Hanukkah Music Playlist:

1) We can’t make a Hanukkah playlist without Montclair’s own Mama Doni. Her disco-throwback song Chanukah Fever is very danceble.

2) The Maccabeats Candlelight is dynamite!

YouTube video

3) I especially love The LeeVees  How Do You Spell Channukkahh. They remind me a bit lie They Might Be Giants. How do you spell it by the way?

4) Local dads, Yosi and The SuperDads Rock n’ Roll version of  I Have a Little Dreidel is cool:

YouTube video

5) The Macaroons Dreidel Bird puts a spin on dreidel songs:

YouTube video

6) Justin Beiber fans will love NCSY’s I Light It: A Chanukah Remix:

YouTube video

7) Older kids will love The Shlomones The Rocky Hora Chanukah Song:

YouTube video

8) Barenaked Ladies have a great version of Hanukkah, O Hanukkah song. Thanks to a reader for the tip!

YouTube video
(Photo: The LeeVees Hanukkah Rocks album)

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