pop up vegan cafeIf you’re looking to eat healthier–and who isn’t when we consider just how unhealthy the Standard American Diet (SAD) is–why not dabble in veganism? Here in Baristaville, it’s not so hard, thanks to vegan chef Sally Owens.

Owens owns and operates SO Tasty Vegan, which offers vegan catering, health coaching, cooking instruction. Later this month, she will begin serving up vegan and gluten-free meals every Wednesday at Trattoria Rustica.

Devil Gourmet reports that the pop-up cafe will begin April 24 with an introductory rate of $32.95 per person. Seating for the first night is limited to 40 people, but will eventually open up to more. Also a little further down the road: wine pairings offered by Amanti Vino. You can check SO Tasty Vegan’s Facebook page to view menus when they are posted.

Reservations are required and can be obtained by calling Trattoria Rustica at 973-783-3436. If you can’t wait that long to try out Owens’ food, she will also be at Williams-Sonoma tomorrow from 12-4 cooking up some goodies for Celebrate Vegan Day.




8 replies on “Pop-Up Vegan Cafe to Begin at Trattoria Rustica”

  1. Trattoria Rustica is a favorite and now with Sally, even better! Shhhh, I will be Vegan just for the day when Sally is cooking!

  2. Humans need healthy food, absolutely. We eat that way at home. Nonetheless, I’ve noticed that whenever the yellow-green and brown liquids have overshot the leafy stuff, the price tag is higher. Do restaurant chefs with bad aim demand a higher salary?

  3. njjenva,

    Same with me. Sally is the only chef who could make this carnivore a vegan lover. 🙂

  4. What vegetables can possibly justify a $32.95 tariff? And this is only an “introductory” price?

    This why Rutt’s Hut is so much more fun.

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