Twinkies Twinkies fans were very upset in November when the company shut down 33 bakeries and 565 distribution centers nationwide, as well as 570 outlet stores. But Twinkies fans can rejoice, because Hostess has announced that the cream-filled yellow sponge cakes will be coming back on Monday, July 15, 2013.

On its Facebook page, Hostess says:

You may have heard something sweet is on the horizon. This summer, Twinkies, CupCakes, Ding Dongs, Donettes and other classic treats are making a comeback. And it’s all because of the love and support people have shown for these American snack icons. We thank you for your loyalty. You can look forward to hearing more from us very soon.

Jenn Schiffer is celebrating—sort of, “Although I don’t eat them, an important part of being American is having the freedom to eat garbage. So I’m glad the Twinkie is coming back, and I hope it’s as dry and flavorless as the last box I bought for that story was.

Now I know that we’re a foodie town and there are amazing bakery treats to be enjoyed in Montclair, as well as a Cronut for sale, but who among us didn’t love Hostess snacks? I was never a Twinkie fan myself, but oh, those Hostess CupCakes were so yummy. I would lick the squiggly white icing off first, then devour the cupcake.

hostess CupCake
You know you want one.

Hostess Brands website went up soon after with a countdown clock saying:

The clock is ticking. And when it reads septuple zeros, the greatest treats the world has ever known will triumphantly return. Twinkies®, CupCakes and other American snack icons that the people decided they just couldn’t live without.

Fess up guys, which Hostess snack is/was your favorite?

13 replies on “Twinkies to Make ‘The Sweetest Comeback in the History of Ever’ Next Week”

  1. It seems that on the slowest of slow news days, one Baristanet writer will simply quote another. To what real point, I have to wonder.

    How long do we have to wait for the tried-and-true “frying an egg on the hot sidewalk” gambit?

  2. Speaking is Hostess……had the world’s BEST icecream at IceCream Charlie’s in Rutherford. Devil Dog Icecream…and it was the best EVER!

  3. “On the most slow of the slowest of the slow news days…” is how all my campfire stories about Cathar begin.

  4. Why does no one write about the Ring Ding? It’s always Twinkie this, Twinkie that. What about the noble chocolate frisbee with the fake cream filling? Huh?

  5. POSTED BY walleroo | July 12, 2013 @ 2:04 pm

    I would pay good money to see Jenn and cathar in a mud wrestling match.

    They both would get dirty, but Jen would like it.

  6. Jen would like it.


  7. What I really love is that my previous reply (at least on my browser) breaks out of the boundaries of this column of comments and runs screaming into the restaurant listings on the right.

    And in a special irony, it’s a comment related to Jenn, who, being the Barista’s computer maven, will probably have to fix it… hahaHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!!

    Now that Jenn will love…

  8. wallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooiswallerowallerooisthebestoisthebestthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooiswallerowallerooisthebestoisthebestthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooiswallerowallerooisthebestoisthebestthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooiswallerowallerooisthebestoisthebestthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooiswallerowallerooisthebestoisthebestthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooiswallerowallerooisthebestoisthebestthebestwallerooisthebestwallerooisthebest

  9. hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhaha

  10. ohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujahohilovethisitfeelssofreehallelujah

  11. With this heat, I wouldn’t mind a little romp in the mud. And my apologies for having to end our little word-break fun :/

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