dog 2

UPDATE (from comments):

They are mine and they are home. Thank you to whomever posted. I apologize for their escape. They are VERY friendly and are fully vaccinated. They both have collars and are microchipped. If they ever escape again, please do not be afraid of them. They will not bite. Thank you again. And sorry for any inconvenience they may have caused.

A reader writes to Baristanet this morning, just before 9am:

Friendly but skittish — took off down S. Fullerton toward B’nai Keshet. One was caramel colored, the other dark brown/black. One did not seem to have a collar.

caramel dog


18 replies on “Two Big Dogs Wandering South Fullerton In Montclair. Are They Yours? UPDATED”

  1. These “dogs” are really the disguised advance scouts of an inter-galactic invasion force from the planet Tralfamadore. Approach with EXTREME caution!

  2. I also saw these dogs right before nine as they were heading up to So. Fullerton as Iw as driving down Union. I saw a Montclair Police car heading in that direction, so I was hoping he was on his way to see if he could get them and take them home or at least to the shelter. No idea if that happened or not.

  3. I really hate that people saw these dogs and left them to keep wandering around. This summer a big dog was in the middle of Ridgewood Ave and I was the only person who stopped – others were trying to drive around him and one woman was walking her dog right past it all. Took me a minute to have him home safe. All it takes to be a good neighbor is a minute of your time.

  4. UH WHO WOULD STOP FOR THESE HUGE DOGS. Call me crazy.. but I’d be afraid of it biting me.. Rabies is the only disease that is 100% fatal if you get it.

  5. They are mine and they are home. Thank you to whomever posted. I apologize for their escape. They are VERY friendly and are fully vaccinated. They both have collars and are microchipped. If they ever escape again, please do not be afraid of them. They will not bite. Thank you again. And sorry for any inconvenience they may have caused.

  6. Normally I would have stopped and tried to take them home or call police to get them (as I have done on a few occasions with other dogs). However, I had my infant in the car, and I couldn’t stop and leave him in the car while I tried to get them. Anyway, glad they are back home and safe!

  7. So glad they are home safe! And to boonanas, I would stop for these dogs…to me they look very friendly…

  8. Picking up wandering dogs is pretty dumb. Call the authorities – they are trained and equipped for these situations.

  9. There are many people who may like dogs but are, for whatever reason, afraid of animals. A dog that size, to someone who is phobic, is a monster.

  10. So glad the dogs are home safe and sound!

    hrhppg, please know that my husband and I saw the dogs, went across the street to befriend them and spent at least 5 or 6 minutes encouraging them to come to us so we could check their collars to see if they were tagged. My husband was able to take their pix but they would not come close enuff to me to check. They had also gotten into a big bag of garbage and I am loathe to come between a big dog and forbidden food!! I would have tried to usher them into my home but have an 11 y.o. “senior” dog who is nippy and has a partially collapsed trachea.

    So please, hrhppg, don’t assume that folks are not being good neighbors. All told, from running over to the dogs, photographing them, reaching out to B’net AND posting on Facebook, it cost us around :60 minutes easily. BUT if my dog ever got out, I pray that a good neighbor would do the same.

  11. So glad to hear that these two pups are home and safe! S Fullerton can be a busy street at times with some people driving a bit too fast!
    When I first saw the post, I thought it was another of the dogs from the neighborhood (I live right by St Luke’s). Ended up making a call from my office here in Central Jersey to someone else (the person who’s dog I thought this was), and she wasn’t home either! She then then called 2 other neighbors, one of them was able to stop by the her house to make sure said dog was still home. Think this says it all for this neighborhood-we really care about our pets in our corner of Mtclr- right rhubarbd?! 🙂
    All’s well that end’s well!

  12. I’ve stopped and helped plenty of dogs without injuring myself. You can contact the authorities, and keep tabs on the dog until the authorities arrive, without actually interacting with the dog. Rabies is sort of a non-issue considering you can get a post-exposure vaccination. Far worse would be the soft-tissue infection from a dog bite. You can usually tell if a dog is friendly by body language, but regardless, people should do what they can to help.

  13. OK theprimroseplath! Let me interact with every stray dog I see! If it bites me, I can always get a post-exposure vaccination. Sounds like a great plan!

  14. Be careful. About 2 months ago I found these dogs wandering around the same area and attempted to bring them back home. One of the dogs attacked my dog. Luckily my dog was not injured but I learned my lesson not to help dogs that are off their leashes even if they look friendly. The owner had to help remove her dog from mine and stated that her dog didn’t like little dogs. This is the third occurrence this fall that these 2 dogs have been wandering the streets. Personally, as an owner I would not allow my dogs to freely roam around the neighborhood without a leash.

  15. I’m the biggest dog lover in the Western Hemisphere, possibly the Eastern, and even I would never approach a dog I did not know. I don’t care how friendly they look, I don’t know them, they don’t know me, they are animals and therefore, unpredictable. I would definitely call the police or an animal control person, though. Glad these dogs have been reunited with their owner.

  16. I love big dogs but my wife has a fear of big dogs and they know it. We stopped going to Mills Reservation because of the number of dog owners who think it’s a leash free park.
    I live in the area where these dogs are located and if it’s true that these dogs have been loose before I blame the owner, not the dogs. Unfortunately, if there is an injurious incident involving the dogs, they will be the ones to pay.

  17. They were out again yesterday, Saturday, late afternoon as it was getting dark. My dog was leashed and saw them first – they took off. But you need to find a way to either secure your yard or go out with them. They were at S. Fullerton and Gates – then ran down Orange Road. They may be friendly but running in the street is a recipe for an close encounter with a car, particularly as it gets dark early.

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