Tracy Nicastro

The latest installment of our Baristanet Profile series, where we get to know the people in our neighborhood:

Name: Tracy Nicastro

Where do you live? Upper Montclair

When did you move there? I relocated to Montclair from Seattle on May 1, 2003.

Where did you grow up? Bergen County.

How do you make a living? I’m a hairstylist in town. I have worked at Parlor Hair Studio for nine amazing years.

Coffee, tea or … ? Coffee always.

What’s your idea of a perfect Saturday? A perfect Saturday night for me would consist of a supreme cocktail, fine food, great friends music and a fire. Nothing like good laughs and creating memories.

What’s your favorite local restaurant? Hands down, DP’S Pub in Garfield, NJ.

What’s on your nightstand? iPod—I’m old-school.

Your iPod? I got one for my birthday four years ago and never used it. (That’s why it sits on my nightstand!)

What are your current addictions? Too many to list.

Talent you would most like to have. I would love to be able to belt out a tune.

What’s the worst-kept secret about Montclair? As a hairstylist, I know too many peeps in town to tell!

What do you hope they say about you at your funeral? Tall tales of my blunders, all the drinks that were spilled, my warm heart, always a helping hand, and the wonders of how many animals have found their way to me.

2 replies on “Baristanet Profile: Tracy Nicastro”

  1. Ah… Finally a pix of the amazing “Tracy” I’ve heard about for so long.

    “Supreme Cocktail” says it all!!!! And what a great space– put many pix’s on the website now!! Many!!!

  2. Tracy is one of my favorite Montclair peeps — so nice to see her smiling face here. She is my go-to person not only for great hair, but great restaurant recommendations.

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