Matt KnutzenThe latest installment of our Baristanet Profile series, where we get to know the people in our neighborhood:

Name: Matt Knutzen

Where do you live? Montclair

When did you move there? 2008

Where did you grow up? Seattle

How do you make a living? As the Geospatial Librarian and Curator of Maps at the New York Public Library.

Coffee, tea or … ? Oh, most certainly, coffee. But I do like a nice cup of tea now and then.

What’s your idea of a perfect Saturday? Wandering around and exploring new and hidden places of a city or a trail with my family.

What’s your favorite local restaurant? Brick Lane.

What’s on your nightstand? Paradise Alley

Your iPod? David Byrne, Santigold, Brian Eno

What are your current addictions? Coffee, spinning, rowing (stationary, that is)

Talent you would most like to have. To fly. Or dunk.

What’s the worst-kept secret about Montclair? Our amazing food!

What do you hope they say about you at your funeral? He loved well and was well loved. He had a pretty good sense of humor too.

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