orange is the new black

A few weeks ago when I received an invitation for Netflix Stream Team members to attend the season 2 premiere screening of Orange is the New Black, I screamed “HALLELUJAH!” louder than Pennsatucky. I’m a big fan of the Netflix original series and was thrilled to see how the season opened and meet some of my favorite characters and the actors who play them.

It was a great night. You will NOT believe how OITB season 2 begins. All I’m saying is that I was totally surprised and I can’t wait to see the rest of the season. I’m all set to binge it when it launches this Friday, June 6.

And in order to do that, I’m currently binge watching Scandal season 3, which I started after binge watching Luther and House of Cards season 2.

So, I love my TV time. But after a long day of working, and then housework and taking care of the kids, I look forward to getting lost in the world of D.C. with Olivia Pope or Frank Underwood, or catching serial killers with DCI John Luther, or hanging with my girl Taystee. Those couple of hours after the kids are in bed and my husband gets home are our time to recharge and relax.

Taking time out for yourself is important and Netflix knows it. This month they are focusing on parents with a list of great shows to stream. So get yourself a glass of red wine and some popcorn, sit back, relax and enjoy the shows!

11 Netflix Titles for Your Streaming Sanctuary:


1. Orange Is the New Black
2. Scandal
3. Pretty Little Liars
4. Sherlock
5. Breaking Bad
6. Parenthood

Sleeper hits you may have missed:


1. Weeds
2. Call the Midwife
3. Freaks and Geeks
4. Shameless
5. Top of the Lake


As a member of the Netflix Stream Team, this is my monthly post about Netflix.

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