Baristanet Guide to Gifting Local

Continuing on with more local items on locals’ holiday wish lists!

We hope these gift ideas inspire you!

Asalt & Buttery

Gretchen Godwin, Marketing Manager at YMCA of Montclair, loves to give French Macarons from Asalt & Buttery in Little Falls. She also treats herself to a few too! (Asalt & Buttery is located at 480 Main Street, Little Falls, NJ)



Sheila Gibbons of Montclair says Chavez for Charity bracelets are on her wish list and holiday gift list:

Chavez for Charity

“What I LOVE about Chavez for Charity is that they give 25 percent of sales to charity. A gift that keeps on giving! Also, they have kid bracelets, which are stylish and colorful and teach kids about the importance of giving back. Both adult and kid bracelets will be part of a sample sale on December 11 and 12.” (Chavez for Charity is located at 642 Bloomfield Avenue, 2nd Floor, Verona, NJ)



Rachel Crampsey, owner of Montclair Bread Company wants tats and training:

Baristanet Guide to Gifting Local

“I want a gift certificates to Jinx Proof Tattoo shop (7 Midland Avenue, Montclair, NJ, 07042) (because tattoos are kinda like potato chips, once you get one you just can’t stop) and Architect Studios (208 Glenridge Avenue, Montclair, NJ, 07042) so I can work off all the doughnuts I eat at the bakery!”

And she plans on keeping a family tradition going when it comes to giving:

My family has a tradition of shameless gift giving that involves lots of re gifts and/or self promotion. My great grandma shopped in her attic and wrapped up random trinkets she found around her house. One year I got used bars of soap and my cousin got pickle tongs. The rest of the family started giving similar gifts. My uncle is a dentist and he often gives out toothpaste samples. My dad owned a liquor store and he always gifted the free promotional items the beer reps would leave him.

stollen bread

So, what am I giving this year? Montclair Bread goodies of course! In addition to the shirts and mugs created by local designer, Tracey Diamond, each of my relatives will receive a loaf of our traditional Stollen bread and a box of cowboy cookies (they’re a family favorite)!

You can get your own loaf of Stollen bread to give to your friends and family at Montclair Bread Company (113 Walnut Street, Montclair, NJ, 07042)


Dr. Renee Baskerville, Montclair’s 4th Ward Councilor, wishes to give the gift of music:

Councilor Baskerville To Serve as Panelist at Ready to Run Conference“I regard myself as a beautiful musical instrument, and my role is to contribute that instrument to scripts worthy of it. And hopefully the music we play will be about decent human beings fighting against disease, fighting against corruption, fighting for the truth… and fighting for a day when all our jails are empty, and all our schools are full.” These are the words of Ed Asner. They reflect my spirit and my sense, having grown up under the watchful eye of my father, Charles Baskerville, who was a renowned musician and a Janissary for justice; and having played at the piano beginning at age 4, and later learning to play the cello and the oboe. I know the transformative power of musical instruments. During this season of special thanks and sacrificial giving, I want to make it possible for every child and young adult, every elder and infirm person in Montclair to have a musical instrument.

As a mother, scientist and physician, I have learned that research shows that playing a musical instrument is to the brain what physical exercise is to the body. Children who study a musical instrument are more likely to excel in all of their studies, thrive in teams, and have enhanced critical thinking skills. They tend to stay in school and pursue postsecondary education at a higher rate than students who do not play an instrument. Regardless of socioeconomic status, whether a student is in a high- or low-performing school, students who play an instrument —from the original instrument, the voice, through the many other instruments–score 22 percent better on English and 20 percent better on Math standardized exams.

Join me in getting instruments for those in our community this holiday season; and let there be Music in Montclair, Sweet, Sweet Music!

Baristanet Guide to Gifting Local

Musical instruments for all ages are available at Montclair Music Studio (104 Watchung Avenue, Montclair, NJ, 07042), Just Kidding Around (507 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair, NJ, 07042), Learning Express (596 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ, 07043)



Johari Fuentes, owner and Creative Director of Fizgig Studio, pointed her husband in one direction to fulfill her wish list — the Montclair Pop Up.

Montclair Pop Up

“I love the way the store is curated with such care and good, modern taste. I took some pics of my favorites and sent him to shop!” (Montclair Pop Up is located at 28 So. Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, NJ, 07042)