
The latest installment of our Baristanet Profile series, where we get to know the people in our neighborhood:

Name:  Cordon Blue, aka, the Montclair Rooster

Where do you live? Park Street in Montclair, next door to Fricassée French Bistro.

When did you move there? Since 1980.

Where did you grow up? Hatched and raised in Montclair.

How do you make a living? I work for the Montclair BID. I’m on the Visual Improvement Committee.

Coffee, tea or … ? I get up pretty early, so I like a strong cup of coffee.

What’s your idea of a perfect Saturday? Getting up early, as I usually do, and heading over to the Montclair Community Farm to hang out with the chicks. It makes me as happy as a rooster in a hen house! Then I volunteer with the young roosters. As senior rooster ’round here, it’s my duty, and my pleasure, to instruct junior roosters in the ancient art of roostery.

What’s your favorite local restaurant? Mundo Vegan, Samba, and Vital, all serve lots of vegetarian choices.

What’s on your nightstand? Extraordinary Chickens by Stephen Green-Armytage. The chicks at Watchung Booksellers recommend it. They never steer me wrong. 

What are you listening to? Rock n’ Roll all the way. I love Alice in Chains, The Stones, Bob Dylan.

What are your current addictions? Dancing and crowing.

Talent you would most like to have. I wish I could fly.

What’s the worst-kept secret about Montclair? That there are a lot of cocks in town.

What do you hope they say about you at your funeral? He was a good egg.

3 replies on “Baristanet Profile: Cordon Blue, the Montclair Rooster”

  1. Fricassee was once a fried chicken place. Walking out of the Y after a tough workout and seeing that bird and smelling that chicken………..

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